اعلانات عن أخرى -

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أحدث الإعلانات في (أخرى)

الصورة الفوتوغرافية الاسم ترتيب نزولي الدولة السعر ترتيب نزولي تعديل إعلان لزائر متجر
Weekend study

شرح ومذاكرة إسبوعية لما تم دراسته خلال الاسبوع فى جميع المواد الدراسية لتلاميذ المرحلة الإبتدائية ١٠٠ ج من الصف الأول إلى الثالث اللإبتدائى فى الأسبوع ١٥٠ ج من الصف الرابع إلى السادس الإبتدائى فى الإسبوع

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.07.19  
we are hiring teachers for KG

Nozha Language schools " Cairo Ismailia desert road" are looking to hire for the below open vacancies: 1- KG English teachers - previous experience from 2 - 4 years - Fluent English is a MUST - Good communication skills -related educational background 2 - KG Arabic teachers - previous experience from 2 - 4 years - Good communication skills -related educational background Interested candidates Kindly send your updated CV with a recent photo with your position at the subject field at [email protected] Or you are welcomed to apply at our school 22 K Cairo Ismailia desert road , Nozha language school for any information call 01097855755

مصر غير محدد 2018.08.12  
We are hiring teachers

Nozha Language Schools (Cairo Ismailia Road Branch) is currently hiring 1- Mathematics teachers 2- English teachers 3- Science teachers 4-Computer teachers 5-German language teachers 6- Librarian 7- KG Arabic and English teachers. If interested, Kindly send the CV with a recent photo Please mention the vacancy name in the subject [email protected] Or you are welcomed to apply at our school 22 K Cairo Ismailia desert road , Nozha language school for any information call 01097855755

مصر غير محدد 2018.08.12  
Vocal Lessons in Cairo, City Nasr

Jazz and pop vocal lessons in Cairo, City Nasr Teaching in English, Russian. Teacher - a graduate of the Academy of Music in Ukraine, she has worked for the teacher of music, has work experience at different stages الى هــواة موسيقى الجاز والبوب، وتعـــلم الغــناء.فـى القاهرة، مدينة نصر. التدريس باللغـة الانجـليزية والروسية.المــعـلم خـريج أكادمية الموسيقى والغناء الاوكرانية.ولها خبرة فى هذا المجال والأداء على المـسرح

مصر غير محدد 2014.09.15    
Triple A للزي المدرسي أجود الخامات بأقل الأسعار يونيفورم مدارس

Triple A لتصنيع وتصدير الـــزي المدرســــي تعلــن المنافســــة أجـــــود الخامــات بأقــل الأسعــار لجميع أنحاء الوطن العربي تريبل ايه شركة متخصصه في مجال صناعة وتوريد اليونيفورم لجميع انحاء الوطن العربي بما لها من خبره كبيره اكتسبتها عبر ثلاثون عاما في مجال تصنيع ملابس اليونيفورم . نمتلك اكثر من 350 عامل وموظف مؤهل ومدرب علي احدث الماكينات لتقديم افضل جوده ممكنه وفي زمن قياسي وهو ماجعلنا رقم واحد في مجال تصنيع اليونيفورم بلا منافس . عميلنا العزيز .. مستعدون لتنفيذ كافة التصميمات الخاصة بكل مدرسه حسب اليونيفورم الرسمي بها من خلال إرسال الديزاينر او مصمم الازياء الخاص بالشركه لرسم وتنفيذ تصوراتك عن اليونيفورم الخاص بمدرستك وارشادك حول الالوان المناسبه والخامات وكل مايخص التصميم او من خلال ارسالك صورة التصميم الخاص بالمدرسه أو عينه منه ونقوم فورا بتنفيذها طبق الأصل وبجوده عالية تنافس اكبر التوكيلات العالميه وبأسعار لا تقارن وفي زمن قياسي عميلنا العزيز .. معنا لا تتحمل عناء الأسعار الباهظه للملابس والشحن .. معنا لا تتحمل عناء التفكير في جودة التصميمات والخامات .. معنا لا تتحمل عناء التفكير في طريقة الإستلام .. فنحن نصلك أينما كنت وفي زمن قياسي .. جميع الخامات المستخدمه تصنع وتصبغ بالكامل داخل المصنع لضمان الجودة .. جميع الخامات المستخدمه معالجه ضد الشمس والعرق والانكماش .. جميع الخامات المصنعه تمر باختبارات قوة التحمل ولا تقبل الا في حالة مطابقتها للمواصفات العالميه .. تريبل ايه تصلك اينما كنت داخل الوطن العربي . للحصول علي عرض الأسعار نرجو الدخول علي الرابط أدناه وإستكمال البيانات المطلوبه https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G21QdC5emrMVbCL_Q _JUOynGZXVOcgyz63urfrY3i5M/viewform لمتابعة منتجات الشركة وكل ماهو جديد عن الشركة نرجو الدخول علي صفحتنا علي موقع التواصل الإجتماعي الفيس بوك www.facebook.com/TripleA.SchoolUniforms لمذيد من الإستفسار والتواصل Tell (2+) - 0237402434: (2+) 01090154441 - (2+) 01004076609 - (2+) 01143100222 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/TripleA.SchoolUniforms زي مدرسي,الزي المدرسي,ملابس مدرسية,الملابس المدرسية,يونيفورم مدارس,يونيفورم المدارس,مدارس خاصة,المدارس الخاصة,

مصر غير محدد 2014.08.09    
Travel & Tourism Professional Business Diploma

Description: The way the Travel & Tourism doing business is always in change, in this professional study you will focus on the new trends in the industry related to IATA Fare Construction Rules, Amadeus Reservation & Ticketing online system as experienced in Airline or Travel agencies , you will also aware the basic components of a tour in toward to be a travel consultant, in addition you will study the new trends in initiating and completing sales processes and handling customers with special need and ups...et customers and knowing when and how to applying your extra touches and gain customer loyalty. Contents: * Introduction * Industry Terms, Concepts, Language * Important Organizations * Passenger Fare & Ticketing ( IATA Fare Construction Rules) * Amadeus Reservation & Ticketing * Types Of Tour Packages and its Components * Selling Skills * Customer Service Course Duration: 90 hours , 3 Days in week for 3 Months. Course fee: EGP 500.00 per month

مصر غير محدد 2012.09.01    
Training Egypt | Training Solutions Egypt | 360 Experiential Solution

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.05.17    
Training Egypt | Training Solutions Egypt | 360 Experiential Solution

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 111 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.08.07    
Training Egypt | Training Solutions Egypt | 360 Experiential Solution

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.12.07    
training | IFRS | financial | ACCA | workshop | Certified | accounting

شهادة معايير المحاسبة الدولية - #CertIFR CertIFR- Certified International Financial Reporting المعتمدة من قبل جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين البريطانية ACCA Association of Certified Chartered Accountants ======================== المحاضر : حاصل على IFRS - CPA ======================== المزايا: ==== 1. متابعة و توجية المشاركين حتي يجتاز الامتحان 2. المحاضرين حاصلين على شهادات مهنية و دولية , ماجستير إدارة اعمال MBA 3. الحصول علي المادة العلمية المعتمدة الجديده 4. مراجعة دورية و إعادة حضور الدورة عند الحاجة 5. الحصول علي شهادة تدريب 6. الشرح باللغة العربية والإنجليزية للإرتقاء بالإداء المهني أهدافها: ===== • مساعدتك على فهم كيفية استخدام معايير المحاسبة الدولية (IFRS) المطبقة فى جميع أنحاء العالم ومصر . • شرح الكيفية التي يتم بها تغيير معايير المحاسبة الدولية (IFRS) / مجلس معايير المحاسبة الدولية (IASB) • دراسة المتطلبات الأساسية ل IFRS من خلال شرح كل معيار • توفير التوجيه بشأن كيفية استخدام IFRS في الممارسة العملية. ══════════════ من الذي ينبغي أن يحضر؟ ══════════════ ◄ إذا كنت محاسب أو مدقق/ مراجع حسابات ، إذن هذا هو التأهيل المناسب لك. ◄ إذا كان لديك خبرة، ولكن ليس لديك شهادات معتمدة في مجال المحاسبة والمراجعة إذن هذه هى الشهادة المناسبة. ◄المدراء الماليين / رؤساء الحسابات / المحاسبين بالبنوك / المراجعين. =================== التكلفة : 1850جنيهاً . الحجز عن طريق المقر أو عن طريق فودافون كاش أو عن طريق اتصالات كاش ==================== رواد الخبرة للتدريب والاستشارات ==================== العنوان: 4(أ) شارع جهينة الدور الثانى - ميـــدان الدقي - بجوار مترو الدقى تليفون : 01100082239 - 33376940 Whatsapp : 01024148777 Instagram : alrowad.training Twitter : Alrowad_egy E.mail: [email protected] #training | #IFRS | #financial | #ACCA | #workshop | #Certified |#accounting - #Certified_International_Financial_Reporting R Alrowad

مصر 1,850 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.10.15  
Training| Training Solutions | 360 Experiential Solutions:

Since the early 1980S , our counslting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 11,111 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.07.30    
Training| Training Solutions | 360 Experiential Solutions:

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.09.12    
Training| Training Solutions | 360 Experiential Solutions:

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.01.20    
Training| Training Solutions | 360 Experiential Solutions:

Since the early 1980S, our consulting and training materials have been presented to hundreds of organizations across the globe . These businesses have ranged in development from start-up to fortune 500, Our Curriculum incorporates principles such as the value of integrity and excellence with the vision of providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to personal and organizational transformation. The overall mission of our materials is to: - Assume competitive leadership. - Create a flexible and efficient organizational design. - Establish a principle-based, collaborative work environment. - Involve and empower employees. Learn more about each of our training programs : - Project management . - Business Consulting . - Employee Training. - Management Training. - Sales Training. - Employee Development . - High performance Teams. - Business Strategy. - Leadership development. http://360experientialsolutions.com/training-programs/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.03.23    
Train the trainer in Egypt , TOT

Train the Trainer “ TOT” Course is a training program intended for anyone who is interested in developing Train the Trainer Course TOT , Register now and get 10% their ability to successfully present in front of a group of people. This program provides participants with the essential components involved in presenting effectively and delivering a presentation that will create a positive lasting impression on the audience members. Through interaction and skill practice, participants will learn how to create, deliver, and enhance their ability to speak in front of a group. Investment is: 1800 L.E. 4 Days Training in September 2014 Dates and location will be confirmed. 10% for registration in July Call us : +201277877278 , +2024718464 http://360solutionsegypt.com/trainingSolutions.asp x?P=44&PN=Speaking%20for%20a%20Lasting%20Impressio n

مصر 1,800 جنية مصري 2014.07.10    
TOT للمحترفين

تعلن شركة SELECTION عن T.O.T Academy :- T.O.T Academy أقــوى برنامح لتــدريـب المدربـين * فروعنا :مدينة نصر - الشيراتون - التجمع الأول *للحجز والاستعلام : 01025782307 الان مع T.O.T Academy أقوى برنامج لتدريب المدربين معانا ستصبح مدرب محترف تستطيع ترك بصمة فى الأخرين و تقديم المعلومات بشكل مختلف. • مع مفاجأة ال T.O.T Academy :- - التدرب على أكثر من 13 مادة من مواد التنمية البشرية و كيفية استخدامهم فى التدريب و الاستفادة منهم فى سوق العمل و سوق التدريب و منها:- 1- القراءة السريعة. 2- التحفيز. 3- الخرائط الذهنية. 4- ادارة العقل. 5- ادارة الوقت. 6- قوة التفكير. • مواعيد الدورة:- - 3 أيام من كل أسبوع لمدة 30 يوم على فترتين:- الأولى : من 11 صباحآ و حتى 3 عصرآ. الثانية من 5 مساءآ و حتى 9 مساءآ. رســـــوم الدورة / 1750 جنيه ( مع أمكانية التقسيط )

مصر غير محدد 2014.08.25    
TOT للتدريب المحترفين

تعلن شركة SELECTION عن T.O.T Academy :- T.O.T Academy أقــوى برنامح لتــدريـب المدربـين * فروعنا :مدينة نصر - الشيراتون - التجمع الأول *للحجز والاستعلام : 01025782307 الان مع T.O.T Academy أقوى برنامج لتدريب المدربين معانا ستصبح مدرب محترف تستطيع ترك بصمة فى الأخرين و تقديم المعلومات بشكل مختلف. • مع مفاجأة ال T.O.T Academy :- - التدرب على أكثر من 13 مادة من مواد التنمية البشرية و كيفية استخدامهم فى التدريب و الاستفادة منهم فى سوق العمل و سوق التدريب و منها:- 1- القراءة السريعة. 2- التحفيز. 3- الخرائط الذهنية. 4- ادارة العقل. 5- ادارة الوقت. 6- قوة التفكير. • مواعيد الدورة:- - 3 أيام من كل أسبوع لمدة 30 يوم على فترتين:- الأولى : من 11 صباحآ و حتى 3 عصرآ. الثانية من 5 مساءآ و حتى 9 مساءآ. رســـــوم الدورة / 1750 جنيه ( مع أمكانية التقسيط )

مصر غير محدد 2014.08.26    
The upcoming Minitab software & Statistical Process Control- SPC train

• Starting date: February 25 , 2017 • Class meet once a week, every Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Course duration is 1.5 Month. • Course fees for individuals is : 3500 EGP • Course fees for corporates is : 4500 EGP • Course venue: 32 Haroun St, Dokki, Giza- Egypt (open Hyperlink to see Location). • Course is open for registration.

مصر غير محدد 2017.02.03    
The upcoming Business Model Canvas training Course:

• Dates: March 13-16 , 2017 • from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Course duration is 1.5 Month. • Course fees for individuals is : 4500 EGP • Course fees for corporates is : 5500 EGP • Course venue: 32 Haroun St, Dokki, Giza- Egypt (open Hyperlink to see Location). • Course is open for registration. 01001937774

مصر 4,500 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.02.03    
The secrets of the rich - اسرار الغنى

هل تود بمعرفت العمل المناسب لشخصيتك والمولائم لك وتوسيع رزقك وزيادة البركة فيه يمكنك معرفت عملك وتوسيع رزقك وزيادة بركته من خلال التواصل مع المستشار و الخبير العالمي / عبدالله الوردي للتواصل مباشرة عبر ايميل المستشار [email protected] تنبيه الاستشارات / للرجال - النساء

السعودية غير محدد 2015.02.19    
the international academy for education(الاكاديمية الدولية)

الاكاديمية الدولية من افضل الاكاديميات التعليمية فى مصر لانها تقدم افضل الكورسات و الدبلومات للغات و الكمبيوتر و الاكاديمية الوحيدة اللى بدرس منهج الIBM و مدربين منهاو شهادات معتمدة من شركة IBM وهى من اكبر الشركات العالمية فى مصر و على مستوى العالم و سوف يقوم بالتدريس مدربين متخصصين في المجال. و ايضا الكاديمية تقدم كورسات فى الموارد البشريةو التسويق و خدمة العملاء و self confidence core و how to get a job و communication skills و كلها معتمدة من الاكاديمية الكندية بالنسبة للغات( بنظام المعايشة و role play و be smart) هتتكلم بطلاقة الانجليزية لانه النظام التعليمى مختلف و ليس نظام اكاديمى فقط . بالنسبة للكمبيوتر( كورسات البرمجة وIcdl و و اكتر و ايضا تدريب غملى و كل ذلك مدربين متخصصين من شركة IBM و الشهادات معتمدة من نفس الشركة) مفاجاة فى السعر اتصل و هتتفاجئ و مش هتصدق

مصر غير محدد 2014.07.02    
technology for education future

The Creative Curriculum is an inclusive rich program that is intended for the early years (birth to kindergarten) The curriculum is tailored to help all teachers of different backgrounds of experience to deliver the best research based program that develops children’s various individual skills. plugn. xyz/ curriculums

مصر غير محدد 2020.01.05  
Teambuilding Egypt | Team Building | 360 experiential Solutions

To be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines. Our Team building Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field. Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time. 360 Experiential solutions offers many team building themes which should have many different key business benefits for each team building themes . http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building/team-building-themes/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.09.12    
Teambuilding Egypt | Team Building | 360 experiential Solutions

To be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines. Our Team building Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field. Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time. 360 Experiential solutions offers many team building themes which should have many different key business benefits for each team building themes . http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building/team-building-themes/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2017.10.03    
Teambuilding Egypt | Team Building | 360 experiential Solutions

To be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines. Our Team building Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field. Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time. 360 Experiential solutions offers many team building themes which should have many different key business benefits for each team building themes . http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building/team-building-themes/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.01.20    
Teambuilding Egypt | Team Building | 360 experiential Solutions

To be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines. Our Team building Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field. Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time. 360 Experiential solutions offers many team building themes which should have many different key business benefits for each team building themes . http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building/team-building-themes/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.03.12    
Team building Training in Egypt | Teambuilding Egypt | 360 experientia

Team Building Training and Why Your Business Needs Them Team building exercises have undergone a negative shift in image in the past but are now surfacing as an essential part of any serious business. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. With trust in the team and fellow colleagues, employees at all levels will perform at their best. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. Why Team Building Is Important? The benefits for the different stakeholders must be present for any team building effort to be successful. All parties need to be committed to the process and take it seriously. Try to think of the ‘team’ as having the following stakeholders: – The customer – The business – The team leader – The individual team member – The team as a whole By realizing and considering each stakeholder you can then begin to see that team building training play a large role in the organization. The actual team building activities can be based on any activity in which team members rely upon each other in a trust situation or bring them together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. Obviously you can’t take your customers out team building but if your staff have undergone team building activities, and your senior staff are well versed in team building training, then the customers will benefit as well. Team building training is important for any business management to understand and to get the best from their team situation. Activities may be planned at a weekend away, a week at a resort, or even something simple every Friday night. Good team leaders will know and recognize a potential team building opportunity and take advantage of it. http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building-training-and-why-your-business-needs-them/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 012235755

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.04.07    
Team building Training in Egypt | Teambuilding Egypt | 360 experientia

Team Building Training and Why Your Business Needs Them Team building exercises have undergone a negative shift in image in the past but are now surfacing as an essential part of any serious business. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. With trust in the team and fellow colleagues, employees at all levels will perform at their best. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. Why Team Building Is Important? The benefits for the different stakeholders must be present for any team building effort to be successful. All parties need to be committed to the process and take it seriously. Try to think of the ‘team’ as having the following stakeholders: – The customer – The business – The team leader – The individual team member – The team as a whole By realizing and considering each stakeholder you can then begin to see that team building training play a large role in the organization. The actual team building activities can be based on any activity in which team members rely upon each other in a trust situation or bring them together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. Obviously you can’t take your customers out team building but if your staff have undergone team building activities, and your senior staff are well versed in team building training, then the customers will benefit as well. Team building training is important for any business management to understand and to get the best from their team situation. Activities may be planned at a weekend away, a week at a resort, or even something simple every Friday night. Good team leaders will know and recognize a potential team building opportunity and take advantage of it. http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building-training-and-why-your-business-needs-them/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 012235755

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.05.17    
Team building Training in Egypt | Teambuilding Egypt | 360 experientia

Team Building Training and Why Your Business Needs Them Team building exercises have undergone a negative shift in image in the past but are now surfacing as an essential part of any serious business. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. With trust in the team and fellow colleagues, employees at all levels will perform at their best. A strong team who know they can rely on each other will outperform others in all areas. Why Team Building Is Important? The benefits for the different stakeholders must be present for any team building effort to be successful. All parties need to be committed to the process and take it seriously. Try to think of the ‘team’ as having the following stakeholders: – The customer – The business – The team leader – The individual team member – The team as a whole By realizing and considering each stakeholder you can then begin to see that team building training play a large role in the organization. The actual team building activities can be based on any activity in which team members rely upon each other in a trust situation or bring them together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. Obviously you can’t take your customers out team building but if your staff have undergone team building activities, and your senior staff are well versed in team building training, then the customers will benefit as well. Team building training is important for any business management to understand and to get the best from their team situation. Activities may be planned at a weekend away, a week at a resort, or even something simple every Friday night. Good team leaders will know and recognize a potential team building opportunity and take advantage of it. http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building-training-and-why-your-business-needs-them/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 012235755

مصر 1,111 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.08.07    
Team Building in Egypt |Teambuilding Themes| 360 experiential Solutio

To be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines. Our Team building Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field. Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time. 360 Experiential solutions offers many team building themes which should have many different key business benefits for each team building themes . http://360experientialsolutions.com/team-building/team-building-themes/ Egypt Office: Address: 21 Amarat Sharara, Nasr City 2nd floor, Apt #23 Cairo, Egypt. Landline: +2 24718464 Mobile: +2 01223575508 Fax: +2 26443662 Email: [email protected]

مصر 100 جنية مصري (EGP) 2018.04.07    
